
The Latest Consumer Insights, Industry Trends, & Commerce Strategies.

industry trends Drew Minor industry trends Drew Minor

How to Grow Your Online Commerce Sales in 2025

Consumers adapted to new technology on a massive scale in 2024, giving us new insight into the customer experience as it fits consumer behavior.

From social media commerce to influencer sales, new features in the checkout process to customer demands for their purchase experience - Here are the latest trends that will make-or-break a customer completing their purchase in 2025.

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digital advertising Drew Minor digital advertising Drew Minor

How to Know What Digital Marketing Strategies to Use

There is nothing more daunting (for me) than wondering what could be. What if I had spent more time on social media content, what if I had spent more time networking, what if I had let my ads run longer, what if I had started using a different channel earlier.

The thought of missing out on potential opportunities scares me to my core - which is why I double and triple check every possible platform for potential opportunities when working with clients. So what marketing strategies should you use and more importantly, how do you know?

There is no tell-tale guide to knowing what marketing channels to pursue, but there are things to help you decide. Here are 8 starting points to help guide your decision.

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Case Study: How Neighborhood Allies Increased Their Website Traffic By 900%

From 2020 to 2021, DM Digital helped increase Neighborhood Allies’ monthly website traffic by 900%, gain over 1,600% more newsletter subscriptions, and receive over 20% more donations. With an organic multi-channel strategy of SEO and social media content, DM Digital supplemented the nonprofit organization’s growth even further with Google Search Ads.

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digital advertising, Case Studies Drew Minor digital advertising, Case Studies Drew Minor

Case Study: How We Produced An 8.5x ROAS for an E-Commerce Client

According to Nielsen, the average return on ad spend (ROAS) for E-Commerce brands is around 287%. This number may sound like an impressive statistic, but after factoring in overhead, this leaves much less room for profit.

This average also indicates that many brands see less than 2.0x return on their ad spend, and few brands see much more than 4.0x. That being said, with the perfect combination of audience targeting, creative content, and promotional offers, wonderful things can happen.

These results stem best from knowing your ideal audience inside and out, which is what we strive to do for each and every one of our clients. In this article, we’ll dive into how we got one of our E-Commerce clients up to as much as 850% ROAS.

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3 Tips for Digital Marketing During the Holiday Season

Believe it or not, the holiday season is just around the corner. These next couple of months are jam-packed with gift buying, discount shopping, and splurging on our family and friends. With that being said, it is vital that your brand is ready to compete for the attention of holiday shoppers, or risk getting left behind by your competitors.

In this article, we will go over three tips for leveraging your digital marketing strategies during the holiday season. What your brand should be doing, how they should be doing it, and what to expect for upcoming trends.

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31 Facebook Ads Trends for Ecommerce Brands

E-commerce is perhaps the most thriving industry that utilizes Facebook Ads. With so many different strategic elements, objectives, and audience enhancements, selling your product on Facebook should be easier than counting to ten. So why is it that so many companies struggle to reduce their costs, see a positive return, or even see any sales at all? In this article, we’ll dive into the latest Facebook Ads trends for the E-commerce industry and how companies in E-commerce can optimize their Facebook Ads.

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digital advertising Drew Minor digital advertising Drew Minor

3 Easy Ways to Decrease Your Facebook Ads Costs

Running Facebook Ads is a constant battle between strategic elements. Keeping an eye on your daily metrics to ensure your creative is not fatigued, audience is not over concentrated, and tracking is accurate are all keys to keeping your overall ad costs down and return up. If you notice that over time your costs are not decreasing or worse, have been increasing, it’s time to take a look into what may be causing that.

In this article, we’ll dive into three easy ways you can keep your Facebook Ad costs down.

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digital advertising Drew Minor digital advertising Drew Minor

How to Run Facebook Ads with $25 a Day

Knowing how to run Facebook Ads on a small budget is not only critical for local businesses, but for anyone looking to generate high-quality leads through paid advertising. A small Facebook Ads budget provides the wireframe that shows us just how to turn a cold audience into a warm audience and a warm audience into leads, all with a simple campaign funnel.

A small budget on Facebook forces you to set up multi-step processes that take time to screen potential leads and drive volume through the top level of your sales funnel. In this article, we’ll show you just how to generate qualified leads and drive more sales volume by spending just $25 a day on Facebook Ads.

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digital advertising Drew Minor digital advertising Drew Minor

Top 30 Best Advertising Headlines (And How to Use Them)

When writing an advertisement, there are several different elements you need to be aware of. The body copy has to be entertaining in order to keep a hold on the reader’s attention, the imagery has to stand out, and the offer has to encourage action. But each of these things only accounts for a fraction of the ad’s performance.

Without a value-packed, curiosity-piquing headline, the reader won’t even get to the body copy or the offer. In this post, we’ll go over the 50 best headlines in advertising history and how you can use them for your Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and blog articles.

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search engine optimization Drew Minor search engine optimization Drew Minor

5 Ways to Optimize Google My Business for Local Search

Every small business should have a Google Business profile. Especially if you have a physical location, a Google Business profile can help bring more customers through your doors. Understanding how to leverage your Google Business profile will help increase your visibility on Google Search and connect with customers that are actively looking for your products or services.

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digital advertising, pay-per-click Drew Minor digital advertising, pay-per-click Drew Minor

The Ultimate Google Ads Guide

Google Ads are perhaps the most complex platform to develop an effective strategy for. With all of the different features, network partners, and campaign elements, choosing the most cost effective strategy for a local business can be difficult. If you’re a small business trying to run Google Ads and have found yourself experiencing outrageous costs, little to no results, and low quality leads, look no further. Here’s your ultimate guide to running affordable Google Ads.

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search engine optimization Drew Minor search engine optimization Drew Minor

Local Online Marketing Strategies that Increase Your Website’s Visibility

Ever wonder how some businesses are able to drive thousands of website visitors every month? The secret isn’t behind paying for ads or needing a multi-million dollar company’s reputation (well, partly). If you prime your website’s format so search engines can easily navigate and understand it, establish authority, and publish consistent, quality content, you’ll be 90% of the way done.

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social media, digital advertising Drew Minor social media, digital advertising Drew Minor

How to Create a Cost Effective Facebook Ad on a Small Budget

62% of small business owners believe that Facebook Ads are ineffective. The largest reason behind this belief is because Facebook Ads are seen as too expensive. While it is true that advertisers with a larger budget drive up costs, there are a handful of ways that local businesses can actually reduce their costs and avoid being outbid by the larger companies. Here’s our quick step by step guide on how to create an effective Facebook campaign on a small budget.

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digital advertising Drew Minor digital advertising Drew Minor

The Differences Between Facebook Ad Bidding Strategies

A common question for marketers who are just starting out is how to bid on Facebook Ads. Knowing the differences between each bidding strategy will help you optimize your costs for your chosen strategy and objective. The truth is, the right bid strategy can help local businesses compete with larger competitors and still produce great results. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook Ads bidding for small businesses.

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social media Drew Minor social media Drew Minor

Which Marketing Platforms to Use for Small Business

Deciding which platforms your business should be on is crucial for connecting with new customers and growing your business. The most common mistake small businesses make is thinking that they should be on every platform possible. The truth is, you only really need to be present on a couple of platforms to be successful. So how do you know which platforms your business should be on?

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