ATTENTION SERIOUS BUSINESS OWNERS: Once you see how EASY this is, you’ll wonder why you haven’t already done it…

 How To Get A Marketing Agency To Put $63,600 PROFIT Into Your Bank Account… In Less Than 6 Months - For Free

From: Drew Minor
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Re: $63,600 Profit

Dear Friend,

Right now, there has never been a harder time to add HUGE growth to your business.

Did you know that over the next three years, 74% of your current advertising that generates new customers will stop working completely?

We’re living in a rapidly changing environment. Just 4 years ago the Yellow Pages came in TWO volumes because there were SO many businesses advertising in them.

I just got my 2022 edition the other day and it’s about 1/20th the size. Why?

Because it’s not working anymore!

Even just a couple of years ago you could get to the first page of Google with a few simple tweaks. But now, Google’s completely changed and it’s near impossible to get there.

With Facebook constantly changing, it’s near impossible to keep up AND run your business at the same time.

And to make it worse, the change is getting faster and faster.

Tell me, do YOU ever experience any of this in your business?

  • Advertising that once worked, no longer does

  • You’re constantly pushing shit up-hill with your marketing. You’re trying new ways to generate customers, but haven’t hit the nail on the head yet

  • You’re making good money, but you’re trapped in the business. You can’t just take a month off and go on a holiday

  • Your business has somewhat plateaued. The first few hundred thousand dollars was pretty easy and quick to come, but now you’re feeling stuck

  • Most of your customers come from one source and if it stopped working, you would lose 40-50% of your income

Well if ANY of that resonates with you,

I Totally Understand

It’s not your fault, you’ve probably spoken to dozens of different marketing “gurus”, “web marketing guys” and got all types of free, conflicting advice and now you’re more confused than ever before…

And that’s OKAY, because everything inn your business life is about to completely change.


I’ll Pay You $63,600 To Run Your Marketing Campaigns

You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on business growth and marketing, spend HOURS with the world’s best consultants and implement all their strategies with a 10-15% chance it’ll work.


Simply get me and my team to look at your business, identify the biggest profit opportunities, implement it all for you, and pay you $63,600 along the way.

No bull.

What we’ll do

  • Completely re-write any or ALL of your current advertisements and triple their results. This means that you’ll be generating 3x more customers for the exact same ad spend.

  • Organize joint venture opportunities with other businesses to bring in a steady stream of up to 100 extra customers a week.

  • Put in place online marketing funnels to generate clients for less than $40 a pop.

  • Organize better deals, better rates, and better prices with all of your suppliers. Saving you as much as $200,000/year.

  • Develop incredible referral systems so that your clients are referring 10-20% more customers.

  • And over 57 other different strategies we can implement to bring in more profit for your business

 These Strategies Have Already Resulted In $1,230,450 in Extra Sales

I’ve consulted almost EVERYONE who’s incredible at marketing, spent over 7 figures on advertising and worked in 27 different industries to perfect these systems.

In fact, by getting us to implement these strategies, our clients on average enjoy an extra $63,600 profit within the first 6 months.

Can you imagine what you’ll be able to do with an extra $63,600 in the next six months?

Would you buy a new car? Pay off your mortgage? Invest in a new house? Go on a huge family vacation? Or reinvest it into exponential business growth? (Imagine what $63,600 in ad spend could generate with three times your current return?).


  • Being able to make a 10 to 1 ROI on all your advertising. That means that for every dollar you spend, you make $10 back. If you spend $100,000 on advertising, you make $1,000,000 profit

  • You’re making enough extra profit that you can afford to employ experienced manager who take 60-70% of your workload and give you 40 hours a week back

  • Somebody makes an offer to buy your business for 10x earnings because of all the extra profit you’ve scaled to

  • You can take all this extra profit and invest it into other businesses, expanding your E-Commerce empire

  • You can finally take a vacation without worrying about coming back to several fires to put out

  • The possibilities are endless…

But What’s In It For Us? 

If you’re human, you’re probably thinking, “where’s the catch?”, “this is too good to be true?”, or “what’s in it for you?”… And to be honest, you’d be a moron if you WEREN’T asking these sorts of questions.

So there are really three reasons why we do this:

  1. First of all, we love working with American entrepreneurs and E-Commerce brands. It’s our passion. It’s what gets us out of bed each and every morning with purpose and a spring in our step.

  2. The second reason is because it’s how we make money. We’re SO confident in what we do, that we’ll work with you on a strictly performance basis. That means the only way we make money, is when you make money.

    We’ll come into your business, implement all of these strategies for you, and pay you 60% of ALL the upside. Basically, for every $100,000 profit we make that WOULDN’T have been made if you hadn’t taken this next step to work with us, we’ll pay you $60,000. 100% pure profit that you don’t have to do ANYTHING for. We do all the work, you reap all the benefits.

  3. Thirdly, if we work together and we get you to your revenue goals, we’ll renegotiate our contract to a flat fee that does not increase with your profit.

 Absolutely ZERO Risk Guarantee

Here’s the absolutely insane guarantee I’m prepared to add. If you’re the right business and you check all of our qualification boxes, we’ll work together.

And if after 6 months, you haven’t made you a MINIMUM $10,000 profit that you’ve cashed into your bank account, we’ll personally cut you a check for $10,000 just for wasting your time.

No matter what happens here, if you qualify, you’re going to make a MINIMUM $10,000.

Now we’re not doing this because we like to mess around. We value our time and we know you value yours. We’re so confident in our ability to make you money, not only will we put our “money where our mouth is” and work on a performance basis, but we’ll even cut you a check for $10,000 if we fail.

How fair is that?

If you can find another agency in the ENTIRE COUNTRY who is willing to do that, I’ll eat my hat.

 We Can Only Take On 3 Clients This Quarter

Because of the incredible amount of time and dedication that we put into every business we work with, we can only take on 3 new clients this quarter.

Time is VERY MUCH “of the essence”… I can’t stress this enough. Generally when we open up this opportunity, we get 30-50 applicants within the first week.

Once the spots fill, they’re filled. It’s impossible for us to open up to take on anymore clients.

 This is NOT for everyone. Here’s who we can help:

Because of the IMMENSE amount of time we put into every business we work with, we’re only taking on 3 clients this quarter.

As a result, we have a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria you must meet in order for us to proceed.

  • You MUST be a serious business. This is NOT for hobby businesses, start-ups, or MLM opportunities.

  • Your business should ideally be turning over $400,000+ already and can spend $15k+ a month on ads

  • You MUST be open to new ideas and trying something different (especially if what you’re currently doing isn’t working)

  • You will ideally have staff. Sales people, assistants, etc.

 Here’s How The Process Works

First you’ll need to hit the button below and fill out the application form. Don’t worry, it’s simple and unobtrusive.

I just need to get an idea of what you’re selling, what you want to accomplish, and so forth.

Second, once you fill out the form, we’ll get on the phone 1 on 1 and go over your business.

We’ll come up with an action plan and figure out EXACTLY how much money we’ll be able to make you.

If you like the plan, fantastic! We can meet over a video call or in-person (for local businesses) to grind out all the minor details. And if not, that’s cool too.

Click on the button below to take advantage of this incredible risk-free offer to add $63,600 profit to your business!

 Added Bonus

As an added bonus, as we go through the process, we’ll also put a valuation on your business, and give you a 6 step action plan to sell it for 10x your earnings. Even if we don’t end up working together.

 WARNING: Time Is A Factor

This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed in order to provide you with results.

Therefore, it is physically impossible for us to work with more than 3 companies.

Also, you should realize that there’s a very large demand for this type of performance-based marketing and what I’m offering is unprecedented.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long. So go ahead and apply now!