Top 5 underrated 2021 Super Bowl commercials.

GM, Amazon, Bud Light Seltzer, Rocket Mortgage, Paramount, Cheetos, and Doritos. How many times do you think we will hear these names over the next few days when talking about the best Super Bowl commercials? My guess is too many.

Instead of putting together a list of the best commercials or my favorite commercials, here’s a list of the Top 5 most underrated commercials. So here we go - the commercials that didn’t get as much attention as they should have.

5. Jimmy John’s - Meet The King


Perhaps this commercial didn’t receive as much attention because of the timing. It’s the second half and the Patriots have an undoubted win coming their way. In blowout games like this, it’s easy for fans to take their eyes off the TV and instead entertain themselves with irrelevant conversation. Between the unbelievable amount of penalties combined with the realization that Tom Brady will gain his 7th Super Bowl victory, attentive fans have much better things to talk about than sandwiches and funny commercials.

I’d have to say, for Jimmy John’s first Super Bowl ad, it’s pretty clever. The threatened mafia boss is just trying to run your average, questionable sandwich shop. Constantly finding new ways to cut corners on costs, he is clearly distraught at his inability to keep up with the competition. The Kind of Cold Cuts is no match against Jimmy John’s reasonably priced, customizable, and convenient sandwiches. If you weren’t thinking about quality, fast-casual sandwiches before the big game, you most certainly are now.

4. Dexcom - Official Big Game Commercial


This spot did not receive nearly enough attention. Dexcom made fantastic connections between humans’ abilities to overcome massive obstacles with technology and the lack of solutions for basic, everyday problems. They did a great job at bringing awareness to not only this problem, but their solution. Along with this, I’m sure their sales will skyrocket within the next couple months. Their ability to convey the frustrations that those with diabetes feel everytime they have to draw their own blood is sure to resonate with their audience.

This commercial follows one of the oldest advertising formulas of all-time: Speak to a problem, touch on a pain point, and present your product as the solution. This is a classic and proven formula that has been recycled ever since the early 1900’s. Dexcom’s uncanny ability to illustrate both the marvelous and seemingly useless technological accomplishments humans have achieved and relating that to the frustrations of the uncomfortable, painful, and necessary process diabetics go through on a daily basis is by far one of the best strategic executions so far from the Super Bowl.

To top it all off, they present their product as not only a solution to the pain of pricking your finger, but a solution to the inconvenience as well. Who wouldn’t want to leave behind all the pain and uncomfort of finger pricking for the simple, convenient ease of your phone? But that’s not all - You can even get insight into where your glucose levels are headed so you can take action now.

3. Michelob Ultra - All-Star Cast


Michelob Ultra outdid themselves this year. Their commercial “Happy” was a much needed source of reminiscence of the good old days. It reminded us to slow down and enjoy life in the moment, rather than being worried about what was next. However, that ad is not the reason they are on this list.

With so many seltzers entering the marketplace, it’s essential for brands to hop on the bandwagon and stay ahead of the competition. The seltzer market is a different niche than your average, beer drinking American, however. So how exactly can you convince someone who has most likely never tried or enjoyed your product to give you a chance now?

The key in this ad is differentiation. The only way you can separate yourself from competitors is by identifying a core value within your audience and positioning yourself around that value. This commercial clearly targets those who value organic, low calorie adult beverages, but the way they do it is undeniably clever.

You may think that what you’re looking at is the real deal, much like you may think another seltzer is just another seltzer. That is until the real, truly ‘healthy’ seltzer appears and you realized you’ve been missing out on it the whole time. This commercial is a humorous way of pointing out the competition and positioning themselves on a unique selling point.

2. Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s - Get Back To Nature


Bass Pro has never been your typical Super Bowl advertiser. They have a very clear niche and execute their own effective marketing strategies without spending millions on the biggest commercial platform of the year. Perhaps it was the need to reach more people and remind them of the great outdoors after a year of being cooped up in a home with limited external activities, but this commercial certainly appealed to both outdoor lovers and those who just miss being outside.

This heartwarming sense of family, nature, and encouragement was definitely a more common theme this year than most, but Bass Pro did an outstanding job with it. On top of that, it was also very relevant to who they are as a brand, which made their message even stronger. This ad was definitely in the Top 10 best, so I believe it deserves much more recognition than it received.

1. Jeep - The Middle


This ad received barely any attention from advertising publishers, the media, or any blogs. I think there is a very obvious reason as to why, but you have to respect Jeep’s courage to take a stand and project a voice of unity. They make a clear reference to current events and the political divide America is facing as a nation. It glorifies America as a country without taking a side and encourages hope to continue moving forward.

While “the middle” most certainly represents the +50% of Americans who refuse to identify with a political party, it also appears to represent a balance in one’s life. The ability to not stray too far from who you are and to not be overwhelmed by external forces. This ad humanizes all Americans and provokes the need to take a breath, slow down, and realize that deep down all Americans want the same thing - freedom, balance, and a Jeep.

There were plenty of great ads featured during the big game this year, but also many that were unfortunately overshadowed by a blowout game, repetitive messages, and commercials that released sneak previews. If you would like to watch every commercial from the Super Bowl, you can visit CNBC for the full list. If you would like to view other commercial ratings, check out USA Today’s rankings here.


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