Leveraging Facebook ads in the midst of a pandemic.
Many people have experienced more free time on their hands as they are out of work, working from home, or working less. This means their average time spent on social media has increased. People are looking for things to do to occupy their time and ways to enjoy life while having limited options outside of their home. Your business could contribute to the (literally) thousands of digital content users are exposed to a day. And with Facebook still being the number 1 social media platform amongst adults, what better way to contribute what your business has to offer?
As users spend more and more time on social media, they become numb to the standard visuals that may appear on their feed. It’s easy to identify an ad when it comes up, and even easier to keep scrolling past it. An ad that looks like an ad is an ad that won’t stand out. The visual needs to be a static image or video that is different and still visually appealing. It needs to offer value and information that is useful.
During a pandemic, it may be difficult to see the purpose in advertising. Yet, it has been proven that businesses who advertise and offer value despite a pandemic, are the ones who will prosper. Users are looking for new ways to dine out, new hobbies, and new interests. If you offer users a new way to achieve any of these desires, you should be advertising. Whether it is a product or service that you offer, find a promotional idea of offer that accommodates consumers to this new way of life. When the pandemic is over, and life returns to normal, your brand will be remembered as the caring business that accommodated consumers in a hard time. There really is no better time to advertise, offer value, and connect with consumers.