How to Create High-Converting Landing Pages
Setting up a successful ad campaign is difficult enough. But once your audience clicks through your ad, what do they see?
Landing pages are a vital part to running successful campaigns. Your campaign could have a click through rate of 100%, but if your landing page isn’t optimized for conversions, you won’t see any. So how do you create a successful landing page?
Landing pages are the first thing you audiences sees after your ad draws them in. Congrats on making an ad interesting enough that your audience clicks on it, but your customer’s journey to conversion is far from over.
Edit: You can use Unbounce’s Free Landing Page Analyzer to test every element of your landing page and compare it to leaders in your industry.
Imagine you are scrolling through Facebook. An ad pops up.
“3 Simple Steps to Signing More Clients.” You click.
A white screen appears and you watch as the grey loading bar crawls across the top of your screen. Then it stops. You get impatient and exit out so you can go back to enjoying cat videos.
This happens more often than you might think. Your site’s loading speed is crucial for getting potential customers to actually visit your site, rather than leaving to never return. That’s why it’s important to maintain your site’s loading speed and compare link clicks to landing page views in your campaign analytics.
You can use Google’s Free Site Speed Tool for insights on how you can improve your site speed.
Let’s say you come across the same ad. Of course you want more clients, so you click “Learn More.”
The web page loads, and these words appear. “Sign up for a free consultation today!”
That’s not what you wanted, and that’s not what the ad claimed. You back out, never to return.
Step number one of creating a successful landing page is making the transition as smooth as possible. Your visitor has left the comfort of their cat videos and pictures of their friends to see what you have to say. That means that whatever you said in your ad was interesting enough for them to willingly click to learn more.
Don’t start your landing page with a different idea. Speak to the same interests that you referenced in the ad that brought them here. Make the transition seamless and pique their interest to keep scrolling.
Now you come across that ad again. You click. The page loads.
“3 Simple Steps to Gaining More Clients.” Dull headline, but this is what you came for, so you keep scrolling.
You come across the first paragraph. “Wasting money on ads that don’t bring in any leads is the most frustrating thing you could possibly face.”
Yes, that’s exactly how you feel. You keep scrolling.
“Over the past 10 years, we’ve developed a 3 Step Strategy for producing high-converting ads that guarantee at least 10 leads a week.”
That’s enticing, isn’t it?
“Sign up today for your copy of our 3 Step Strategy Guide and you’ll access to your ideal clients at the touch of your fingertips.”
This all sounds great, but how much is it going to cost me?
“Sign up today and we’ll knock $80 off our original $120 price!”
$40? If I sign up today? That’s a little steep for something I’ve never heard of before.
“But that’s not all. Sign up today and we’ll include an email list of 100 leads of your choice, our webinar on how to write high-converting ads, and access to our Premium Lead Gen software subscription for the next 7 days!”
Wow! That’s a ton of value. And all for just $40? Where do I sign up?!
Your landing page is a journey. Every sentence should have a purpose and carry the user to the next step of the sales funnel.
So what does that look like if I had to break it down?
Headline —> Matches the ad for seamless transition.
Copy —> Builds value by appealing to the underlying desires of your audience. Elaborate on what you’ve spoken to in the ad. Demonstrate your understanding of their wants, desires, and needs. Reveal your knowledge of a solution and make that solution accessible to the user.
Call to Action —> Make it absolutely clear what you expect your audience to do. Sign up, Buy now, etc.
Credibility —> Elaborate on your experience and knowledge for proof of credibility. Use reviews, testimonials, case studies, etc.
More Values —> Build more value. Make your offer the most logical decision your audience could make today. Appeal to what they truly want by describing your product as they could best imagine it.
CTA —> Finish with a final call to action. Make it abundantly clear that if they sign up for your product right now, they will begin to reap the benefits today.
By following this quick and simple formula, and with enough practice, you’ll be on your way to creating high-converting landing pages in no time.