Author Mark Roser

 Author Mark Roser had invested nearly $2,000 of his own money into Facebook Ads before deciding that he needed to seek out help. He had been burned by marketers in the past, so was very cautious when it came to discussing his needs with agencies. He had a lot of questions about setting up his campaign and wanted someone that would be willing to walk him through the process step-by-step.

He found DM Digital and was pleased to learn that we could teach him how to set up his campaigns efficiently. His first campaign had a daily budget of about $50 and his goal was to sell 10 books a week.

The first week of his campaign, he sold 20 books. Mark ran Facebook Ads with DM Digital for the next few months and by Month 6, he had generated over $55,000 in book sales.

Mark’s campaigns went on to generate truly industry-defying results:

  • Average CTR: 8.46%

  • Average cost-per-purchase: $8.74

  • Engagement rate: 40%

At one point, we were able to leverage email marketing and retargeting ads to get Mark’s cost-per-purchase as low as $2.23 and his return on ad spend (ROAS) as high as 850%.

Mark has since become one of our best case studies and a staple in our approach to generating clients a minimum ROAS of 400%.